Finish what you start with registration opening each year prior to September 1st!
Updated 12/9/23 as we now weight each event for an overall OTC ranking.
Your overall score for series is independent of each other and for those that have signed up for the OTC pass.
Finish any three short or long, and we will score you.
Points are listed in the technical guide below
Finish any three regardless of whether distance grants you the Pactimo jersey after you sign up for the Pass.
수상 점수 및 기타 정보 기술 가이드 보기
기술 가이드를 확인하고 지난 시즌 결과를 가져와 새로운 2024 방법에 따라 다시 채점한 아래 내용을 살펴보세요!
Remember you must be signed up for the Five events or Three event series. You can also sign up for the stand alone pass if you want to jump in later before Oregon Gran Fondo for scoring and the swag!
Over 20 Years of singletrack and xc "Cross Country" Glory for 33 Categories and Abilities
Ages 9-70+
경주 연령 12/31 현재 연도
Ability based competition
See the tech guide on the Oregon XC Series home page as we prepare for an exciting 2024