Start Time
5:30am Athletic Club of Bend.
Please have someone drop you off and or please use proper lights, including a taillight if riding to the start. You are on your own before the event, and anytime riding on open roads, please know that all roads are open to vehicles and all trails are open to uphill and downhill mountain bike traffic.
Please treat those on trail how you would like to be treated! Race Strong and be alert!
Early Pricing $275.00 prior to January 2nd
예약 시 시작과 끝이 가까운 Hotel Peppertree Inn을 확인하고 가장 좋은 가격으로 일찍 예약하세요.
Volunteer Sign Up 2024
Mandatory the day prior!
Friday 1-6:30pm
Sagebrush Cycles
345 SW Century Dr Bend, OR 97702
9 Categories
3 Deep Medals
Overall Cash Purse 5 Deep 4000.00
Open Men
Open Women
40-49 Men
40-49 Women
50-59 Men
50+ Women
60+ Super Master Men
Clydesdale 200+
Use your food voucher on site for a custom meal from Cowgirl Cookin!
Join Mudslinger Events again in 2024 in making a difference by contributing to this fantastic group of mountain bike trail advocates at COTA. Learn more about this group of dedicated builders in Central Oregon.
What's so special about Bend? Lots of things. One major reason is the hundreds of miles of single track trail literally in our backyard. As you know, trails don't build or maintain themselves. As an all-volunteer non-profit group, Central Oregon Trail Alliance (COTA) needs mountain bikers like you to keep us going. If we don't have the volunteers to do the work, or the tools, signs, safety equipment, training sessions, insurance or a storage facility, the trails wouldn't look like they do, if they existed at all. In the past few years COTA has opened more than 20 miles of new trail and upgraded many more miles throughout Central Oregon via over 15,000 hours of volunteer labor. We also have over 25 miles of trail approved and under construction. It also takes financial resources to provide the support our volunteers need to keep it all going and provide the stewardship needed to ensure the long term viability of the trail system.
YEAR 15 WRAPPED UP! Year 16 next Summer!
헤더 잭슨(Heather Jackson)이 사라 맥스(Sarah Max), 카일 트뤼도(Kyle Trudeau)와 가상 동점을 이루며 첫 번째 하이 캐스케이드 100 챔피언십을 달성하고 6분 43초의 기록으로 3연속 챔피언십을 달성했습니다!
Based on your' ability to take on a challenge without support, it would not be possible to "Race" 100 miles.
The community of Bend, Oregon, is unique in so many ways, from endless singletrack and beer to landscapes that are hard to beat.
Finishing what you start is challenging in our busy world of demands, but somehow we all make it happen.
Riding your way to a podium or Sub 10Hrs, or Sub 12, 13,14, or DFL, is what it is all about the third Saturday in July each year, and we hope you will join us.
PS always reserve accomodations first and check cancelation policies each year and prepare to have an amazing time in Bend, Oregon.
Thank you for the support
Mudslinger Events
Living the Dream in Bend, Oregon! Photo Frizz Studio
2023 Map below and we will be offering a 60% different loop! We like to keep it as fresh as we can at the High Cascades 100! Expect a return trip to the High Country in 2024
Thanks for putting on a great race. At no point did I feel lost or questioning what direction to go. Aid stations were perfect. Best race I have ever done.
I just wanted to say thank you. This was my first bike race ever, and my first century. The kindness and enthusiasm of all the support crews and spectators was such a boost.
I started riding at 43, and did my first 50 miles for my 50th bday last year - then caught the bug and decided this year would be 100. You provided the perfect venue. My family history is rife with obesity and early cardiac death. Shit like this challenge are what makes it enjoyable to beat back that history.
Thank you from my heart
This race was amazing. first, I never thought i could do it…..and doing it was so much easier than i imagined only because of your staff and volunteers. when i could not think, your volunteers thought for me. when i could not eat, your volunteers helped to guide food to my mouth! also, the course was so well marked, which was fantastic for me…..i am so directional challenged. kudos. i’ll be back next year (NOT something i said to myself at mile 35 in the midst of a bonk), for sure, if only to better my time.
Thank you! It was my first 100-mile race and I couldn’t have been more pleased with the support and the course. It was definitely challenging, but fun, too. Days before the race, I was thinking that I may not make it, but the spacing of the aid stations was perfect and very motivating to keep pushing forward. I know that you have no control over the race registrations, but I couldn’t have asked for a better crowd of racers. Everyone is so supportive of each other. The swag items are awesome, too. Thanks for having women-specific t-shirts. I’ll actually wear this one!
-Mary Spokeswomen“I have tried other products fine, but this one is certainly the best. It brings everything I do to a new level of quality.”
“This is the best company I have ever worked with. I am recommending to all my friends and colleagues.”
Awards 7pm Athletic Club of Bend
Open Men
Open Women
40-49 Men
40-49 Women
50-59 Master Men
50+ Master Women
60 Plus Super Master Men
Clydesdales 200+
이 카테고리는 다음 네 가지 카테고리에 대해 NUE 시리즈로 전송됩니다.
Open Men
Open Women
Singlespeed Men
Masters Men
We have had some amazing conditions in the last 5 years, but 3 out of 5 are dusty the lower in elevation that you are riding.
Invasive Species Information
The course repeats or uses the same trail 10% on average for connection purposes, but not in 2023! 2024 loop is 80% decided!
89% as of 2023
지역 High Lakes 긴급 치료까지 3개 이하 90도 이상이면 부상이 두 배로 늘어납니다.
No Refund policy is located on the Policy tab for 2022.
Please purchase the Bike Reg insurance and know that you can use your fee's only towards a current year event per the policy if you cant make it for some reason and notify us at least 14 days prior to transfer to any current year event
Meal, shirt and beverages for your shift on course. Volunteer Tab for link to assist
자원봉사자 2명을 등록하고 무료로 경주하세요!
AWARDS 6:15-7pm Live awards and interviews
Custom overall Glass Award from Glass Forge
$4000 Overall
Cash Purse 5 Deep 4000.00
9 Categories
3 Deep Each Medals
기술 가이드 2023
2024년은 2024년 6월에 출시되어 2024년의 특정 세부 정보를 포함합니다.
Finding Bend is easy! Located in Central Oregon and serviced by the Redmond airport.
Book your place to stay 1/8th of a mile from the Start and finish at our sponsor Hotel Peppertree Inn
Special Rate through 12/31. Click the logo below to make your reservation and for a racer discount.
Mr. Billy AKA Team Chicken Butt has a passion for mountain biking and all things dirty. Catch him at aid 1 in the am or at the finish later in the day making things smooth for all involved! Bill be be racing the event in 2021 to celebrate his 60th Birthday!
Friend, Athlete and dedicated personal trainer that will be at Aid 1 at the 2023 HC 100 supporting your journey!
September 28th, 2024
JULY 13TH, 14TH 2024
May 4th, 2024