Downed riders are always concerned whether the event is a race or, in this case, a guided ride. Safety is #1 with Mudslinger Events, and we have first aid on hand at the base of operations and on course to provide basic first aid for cuts and scrapes. Please remember that the roads may have an official or emergency vehicle on the trail, so stay alert to your surroundings and ride safe!
The nature of riding in the woods means that emergency services at least thirty or more minutes and most likely an hr or two hrs or more to get to your position after being notified. Make sure to assist a rider and check on anyone that goes down. We have had injuries such as collarbones or injuries requiring medical attention beyond standard first aid such as led, neck, and even worse. While this is rare, it can happen. In most cases, everything works out do to the caring attitude and general nature of mountain biking, including a soft landing.
The usual way a crash goes is:
Riders are riding downhill in most cases and crash. The next rider stops and makes sure all is ok and stays with the person if not. In most cases, cell phones do not work, and while we have radio's once again, we are limited. Riders that crash hopefully gain the strength to sit up and usually ride out. In the case of an accident that appears to be dangerous, please get the rider's info to report to official event personnel on the course or back at base and an approximate distance. Our guides are aware of areas where cell phone connection can be, and one will have a spot device to alert medical personal in the case of a severe incident.
Please let us know if you need to seek medical attention beyond a scrape at the end of your ride and if you do decide to leave the route, to please do so with a guide and or notify the guide you are turning around so we can make sure you make it back and account for your safety.
Helmets required anytime you are on your bike at this event.
Contact Mike Ripley
Mudslinger Events