Start time 9am 52 Miles!
Wanoga Snow Park
50-53 Miles when map is complete
Early Pricing
$160.00 before 1/2/24
175.00 after
Custom T
10 Barrel Brewing Pizza after and more!
Friday Location Sagebrush Cycles
2-5 PM
Saturday 7-8:30am Wanoga Snow Park our venue for 2024
Rider meeting 8:45
Start kl. 9 alle ryttere
Sunrise 6:56 am
Solnedgang 18:56
TOP 4 Overall Men and Women in 2024
Cash: 350, 250, 150,100 Men and Women each!
Categories Men
Junior U18
Masters 50-59
Masters 60+
Clydesdale 200+
Categories Women
Masters 50-59
Masters 60+
Map 2023 See below for GPX and PDF
Official map graphic for 2024 coming August 15th
Expect the same great north loop as 2023 that should be spot on with the Ride with GPS map below. Upper Flagline closed until 8/15
For over a decade, the hot topic that Mudslinger Events has had requests to produce is a 50 miler to go along with our July High Cascades 100.
With that being said, we can't do both on the same day in July, and 100 Miles is a lot for many.
Den 4. lørdag i september i Wanoga Snow Park er vi stolte over at kunne tilbyde et singletrack-snøret MTB-løb i Beautiful Bend, Oregon.
The event's name refers to the Cascade Mountains and the Volcanos part of a 25,000-mile Volcanic area in the Pacific Ocean Basin called the Ring of Fire.
Embrace the lava and all the fantastic singletrack and the opportunity to have one great late season race and finish with a smile.
Sign up now!
Awards 10 Barrel Brewing West Side 5:30 pm in 2023
Aid 1 Mile 12 Dutchman
Cut off 11:30am
No Spectators please
Mile 28 Aid 2 Meissner Neutral Support area to hand your rider a bottle or some food prior to crossing the HWY. Please look for the area we created to not be in the way and not interfere with racers on course. THX!
Venue Map below
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
Located only 15 minutes west of Bend, Oregon towards Mt. Bachelor, this snow park provides mountain bikers incredible access in the summer to quality singletrack riding and racing.
Plenty of things to do in Bend, Oregon for the whole family.
Just 15 minutes west towards MT Bachelor
We thank you and your family and friends for the support of your passion to race your MTB and finish what you start
Make your way to Bend, Oregon!
Stay at the Hotel Peppertree Inn, and or plenty of great accommodations.
LOCAL RV and Campsite areas. LINK
Relax and race hard!
We have great accommodations in Bend. All Snow Parks are available unless we have a big fire!
Check out this link for camping options LINK
Ryttere, der falder, er altid en bekymring, uanset om løbet er en XC- eller Road-begivenhed eller enhver situation, der kan opstå, hvor du måske bliver nødt til at stoppe for at deltage i en rytter. Sikkerhed er #1 med Mudslinger Events, da vi har grundlæggende førstehjælp på stedet og skinkeradio-support på kursus fra den lokale gruppe ARES of Bend. Husk, at vejene kan have et officielt køretøj eller et udrykningskøretøj på banen, så vær opmærksom på dine omgivelser og kør sikkert!
All roads and road crossings are open to traffic and open to other trail users, including hikers, bikers. We do our best to let people know a race is happening, but ultimately it is your effort to stay out of trouble.
Make sure to assist a rider and check on anyone that goes down. Over the years, we have had thousands of laps, and have had only a few collarbones or injuries requiring medical attention beyond standard first aid. This is a testament to the caring attitude and general nature of mountain biking and a softer landing in most cases.
The usual way a crash goes is:
Riders are coming into the lap point or aid station and telling race personal that someone is messed up and not moving or holding an arm or knee. The next rider says the person is sitting up, followed by the next person says he/she is on their bike, then riders say nothing as this person is OK and comes to the aid station to get a ride out or continues. Now that’s the normal situation, in the case of an accident that appears to be dangerous, please get the riders plate # to report to official race personnel the on course and approximate distance to.
Det kan tage op til en time eller mere at komme til din placering afhængigt af hvor du styrter ned, så vær forsigtig!
Please let us know if you need to seek medical attention beyond a scrape at the finish area and if you do DNF (Did not Finish) please report your plate number to the officials at the finish. Please let us know also if any member of your team is traveling to Bend to seek further medical support for a cut or issue beyond basic first aid for scrapes and cuts or an ice bag that we will have on site.
Please stay hydrated!
Helmets required anytime you are on your bike at this event.
Contact Mike Ripley/Mudslinger Events 541-225-7946 for more details
May 4th, 2024
March 2024
July 20th, 2024